A game trailer for Rock Band 4. Following an imaginary band from their living room to international stardom and back into their living room.
Tag Archives: Rock band 4
My life started when I heard Rock ‘n’ Roll. I think it was Elvis. Shortly thereafter it was the birth of the Icelandic punk scene that captured me. Masturbation, Disappointment, Purrkur Pillnikk, Q4U and countless other stalwarts of that scene became my spiritual guides. From there on music has played a huge part in my life, especially my creative life. I started photographing bands when I was 14, I then played in bands, managed, produced, promoted etc. and of course the first thing I ever filmed was a music video, for my sister’s band Ensími.
Hence I was excited to get to do this project for Rock Band 4. I loved the concept, kids pretending to be in a real band in their living room (I used tennis rackets as a kid), then being transported into the real dream world of Rock ‘n’ Roll.
I am grateful to Harmonix and the wonderful team at Cole & Weber, shout out to Pat McKay, Todd Derksen, Pete Anderson, and Rebecca Potter, as well as the entire production community in Seattle, esp. Buzzy, Nate, Ralston, TJ, Damien, Trae, Bruce, Paul, Felipe, Elizabeth, Angie, Jason and all the other wonderful folks whose names I can’t remember, you know who you are.
And, last but not least, my amazing cast, Shelby, Woody, Ashton, and Aidan. You guys are real rockstars, I can’t wait for the reunion of this band.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It was a rocking good time (the spot is at the bottom).