Snaps from the shoot of a 32:29 long Single Take music video for Auður.

Auður just launched his debut album which consists of 9 songs that all flow into the next one creating a unified whole that can be looped endlessly. Auður had an idea how to make a music video that reflected his singular approach to the album. Me, DP Tómas Örn Tómasson, producer (and manager) Kári Sturluson and his team partnered with him to create this memorable experience for the album, which is called “Alone” and available where good music is sold.

The video is on YouTube at this link, for the full looping effect right click and select “Loop”

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My first VR project was for the delightfully wonderful and talented band Fufanu from Iceland.
The video was shot in downtown Reykjavík on the eve of the UEFA Cup final between Liverpool FC. and Sevilla (hence I was spared the misery of watching it).

The video is best enjoyed via a 360 browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox or better yet, on a mobile device with goggles like Samsung Gear or Google Cardboard.

Click HERE to watch it, but also check out the band’s great album released on One Little Indian HERE. ENJOY.

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“CULTFEVER creates sound in 35mm and Dolby-surround, sweeping wide shots, urgent dissolves and auteuristic composition, reminiscent of the brooding, surreal worlds of Almodóvar, The Man Who Fell To Earth, and Tim Burton. You don’t just hear CULTFEVER; its music plays out before you like a moving picture, helmed by its dual directors, Tamara Jafar and Joe Durniak.”

– From

Outtakes from a shoot I’m working on for BIG Magazine.

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My life started when I heard Rock ‘n’ Roll. I think it was Elvis. Shortly thereafter it was the birth of the Icelandic punk scene that captured me. Masturbation, Disappointment, Purrkur Pillnikk, Q4U and countless other stalwarts of that scene became my spiritual guides. From there on music has played a huge part in my life, especially my creative life. I started photographing bands when I was 14, I then played in bands, managed, produced, promoted etc. and of course the first thing I ever filmed was a music video, for my sister’s band Ensími.

Hence I was excited to get to do this project for Rock Band 4. I loved the concept, kids pretending to be in a real band in their living room (I used tennis rackets as a kid), then being transported into the real dream world of Rock ‘n’ Roll.

I am grateful to Harmonix and the wonderful team at Cole & Weber, shout out to Pat McKay, Todd Derksen, Pete Anderson, and Rebecca Potter, as well as the entire production community in Seattle, esp. Buzzy, Nate, Ralston, TJ, Damien, Trae, Bruce, Paul, Felipe, Elizabeth, Angie, Jason and all the other wonderful folks whose names I can’t remember, you know who you are.

And, last but not least, my amazing cast, Shelby, Woody, Ashton, and Aidan. You guys are real rockstars, I can’t wait for the reunion of this band.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It was a rocking good time (the spot is at the bottom).

Rock Band 4 Rock Band 4 Rock Band 4 Rock Band 4 Rock Band 4


I shot these in LA at a fashion // model party. I don’t know what the band is called. I do know that the bass player is a fashion designer and was on Project Runway, his name is Jeffrey Sebelia. UPDATE: I have now found out that the band was called Sing Orpheus and has broken up. They were a great band.






Anna Calvi is a musical force to be reckoned with. Her new album “One Breath” is just out on Domino Records and it’s fantastic. She’s currently touring and gives an amazing live performance. These pictures are from her show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg on November 11th 2013. She was electryfing.







krummi-0101-20070403Krummi came to a session with me in Spessi’s studio “Frystihúsið” in Kópavogur, Iceland.

The shoot was a band photograph for his band Mínus. I shot all members of the band individually and composited a few band photos from that. This individual portrait of Krummi is very special to me. His inner silence juxtaposed with his raised and tense hands says so much about him. He is a wonderful subject.